An organised, methodical and analytical thinker with proven skills in time management given I have undertaken Open University studies while working. I can switch between the bigger picture and the detail and have led a team to act as the conduit between sales and technical. As a calm, organised, patient and adaptable person, I am a fast learner and excellent communicator at all levels, I would like to remain in a hands-on role.
Technical Skills
I consider myself good at solving programming problems and debugging code. Along with excellent Maths and English I have extensive web and data development experience and an interest in natural language processing - I have written a chatbot from scratch at
Before finishing my MSc, I started learning Python (Flask) and React and consider myself competent, which complements my experience in OO PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS. I like turning project descriptions into database designs (e.g ERD models), enjoy designing web systems and have experience writing web system specifications. I understand API development, Wordpress, Drupal and Linux administration and have also picked up some background skills in SEO and accessibility for development and Photoshop. I have also used Git for personal projects.
web development and database services in Cambridge, UK
Online chatbot written by Darren Tarrant
Artist and digital creative producing surreal artwork