Here are a selection of what some have said about me. For more of the same, see my
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What They Think About Me...
Darren is a great asset to the IT Department at Robinson College. He is very methodical, trustworthy and capable. He works hard to resolve issues and is able to come up with solutions in a timely manner. Darren was a pleasure to work with and helped me on many occasions!
Amy Osborne, HR, Robinson College November 11, 2022 Amy worked with Darren but on different teams
Darren's a safe pair of hands...a good person to stand next to in a crisis. A calm, clear head on his shoulders means good thinking and decisions. Talented in his field, and able to communicate freely (a great advantage in a techie), he is a valuable asset to those that wrk around him.
David Avery, Managing Director, Tag Design June 19, 2014, David worked with Darren but they were at different companies
Darren is a highly skilled web developer with particular expertise in database integration. Despite his in depth technical knowledge he is also able to communicate technical information in a way that is easy for others less that way inclined to understand, which is a valuable and unusual talent in this industry and makes him very easy to work with. I'd be happy to recommend him for any back end development and data integration work.
Louise Longworth, former colleague at Granite 5 April 30, 2014, Lou worked with Darren on the same team
Darren combines great technical skills with the ability to communicate in non-technical language and understand our needs as an organisation. He is always calm, friendly and efficient. Along with his Granite 5 colleagues, Darren has provided a huge amount of support in the management and ongoing development of the Emmaus UK website and intranet, solving problems, discussing options and providing advice. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to others.
Rosi Jack, Head of Communications, CBM UK August 20, 2012, Rosi was Darren's client
From working with Darren I've found him to be an exceptional teacher, programmer and manager. He is great fun to work with whilst remaining professional at the same time in the right situations. I wouldn't hesitate to reccomend him to anyone.
Luke McDonald, Web Developer, Granite 5 August 3, 2011, Luke reported directly to Darren
Darren has demonstrated excellent technical knowledge whilst developing the new Chamber website. He excelled at finding solutions to meet our needs, was unfazed by a very tight deadline, and was always willing to answer our questions, however daft they might have been - a great guy to have worked with and highly recommendable.
Emily Dawson, Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce July 20, 2011, Emily was Darren's client
Darren always knows how to handle a project no matter how complex it might seem, he finds a way of explaining and executing the job at hand and is always very approachable. I highly recommend Darren for his IT knowledge and is always a pleasure to deal with him
Mario Prelorentsos, Senior Designer, JDJ Creative July 18, 2011, Mario was Darren's client
Darren works incredibly hard, is always on time, great value and so helpful. He returns phone calls, provides help on every occasion and consistently bolsters my confidence!
Katharine Shaw, Reception, All Nations Christian College
I worked at Granite 5 with Darren as my technical manager. He is very methodical in his approach to work and is quick to repond to issues with pracital solutions that incorporate the interests of everbody involved in a project, whilst putting the needs of the client as a priority. I can recommend nobody better to manage a team. He also takes a keen interest in his profession, keeping up to date with the latest industry developments. He is always looking to improve his skills by continuing to study and to learn new techniques. He sees education as a very important element in his life and takes great pride and enjoyment in the work that he does. He is easily approachable and I consider him a valued colleague and friend.
Michael Oxborrow, Web Designer, Granite 5 August 31, 2010, Michael reported directly to Darren